OUR VISION. Downtown Detroit is rebuilding for the future! A visioning effort for downtown took place between Summer 2023 and Spring 2024 and provided opportunities for community engagement and input through in-person and virtual activities. This worked resulted in the following vision statement:
“Our vision is to transform the town into a haven of fun with odes to the history of the Timber industry.”
The future vision encompasses a “haven of fun” amidst a thriving business scene serving residents and visitors, supported by future streetscape improvements, signage and gateways, pedestrian crossings, and home to community events. Read the full vision at this LINK.
DEVELOPING IN DOWNTOWN. Downtown development is focused along Detroit Avenue and Forest Avenue within the new Detroit Avenue Corridor overlay zone. Properties outside of the overlay can still develop as commercial or residential uses subject to existing standards.

Businesses Permitted: There are many opportunities to develop in downtown including options for:
- Food carts, food cart pods
- Coffee shop, bakery, restaurants, ice cream, bars, brew pubs
- Outdoor gear and rentals
- Specialty retail and artisan shops
- Lodging
- Upper story residential—workforce housing opportunities
- No auto-oriented uses like drive-throughs or gas stations are permitted to encourage a walkable, engaging downtown environment
For a full list, see Section 2.3.7 (C) of the Detroit Development Code.
Types of Development: There is flexibility for different kinds of buildings and structures for new buildings.
- Individual food carts and groups of food carts arranged as a pod are permitted subject to City standards in Section 3.5.5 of the Detroit Development Code. Additional licensing from Marion County Public Health and a City business license are required.
- Temporary trailers or prefabricated structures may be used to house businesses on an interim basis to spur rebuilding efforts. See Section 2.3.7(G) of the Detroit Development Code for applicable requirements and permitting.
- New or expanded buildings are permitted and contribute to shaping the downtown environment. Targeted site and building design standards address integrating windows, entrances and awnings or canopies into the building design, and bringing buildings forward towards the sidewalk to engage with visitors. See Sections 2.3.7(D) through (F) of the Detroit Development Code for full details.
Permitting Requirements: City of Detroit requires land use permits for most types of downtown development, except for individual food carts which do not require a land use permit. Contact the City Recorder (503-854-3496 or detroit@wvi.com) for more information about land use permitting. Application forms can be found on the City’s website.
The City of Detroit also requires a City Business License renewed annually.
Other jurisdictions including Marion County may have additional permitting requirements, including for septic and building permits.
How to Get Started: Contact the City Recorder 503-854-3496 or detroit@wvi.com. The City is excited to welcome new ideas to downtown Detroit!